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How to find and apply for digital marketing jobs

digital marketing jobs



If you're looking for a digital marketing job, there are many ways to find them. The first step is creating an effective resume that demonstrates your technical skills and experience in the field. In this post, we'll cover how to write a killer digital marketing resume -- from what to include and how much space it should take up on your page to how to avoid common mistakes (like spelling errors). By following these tips, you'll be well on your way toward landing that dream job!

Your resume should be concise.

Your resume should be concise. It's important to keep your resume short and sweet so that it's easy for recruiters to read at a glance.

Keep it on one page; avoid using fancy fonts or sections like “education” or “experience” (or other personal information). If you have three pages of information on your skill set, then maybe consider making a four-page PDF instead of an 8-page Word document.

Use standard font sizes throughout the document: 9pt for headings and subheadings; 12pt for body text; 14pt for long quotes from others in positions of authority or prestige (i.e., CEOs).

Include the basics, like your education and work history.

  • Include the basics, like your education and work history.
  • Be sure to include your education in reverse chronological order, so that it's easy for potential employers to see how you've progressed over time.
  • If there are any specific skills or certifications you're proud of having earned, feel free to include a section for them as well!

Make sure you spell-check and proofread.

One of the most common mistakes made when writing a resume is not checking for grammar and spelling. It's important to check that you're using correct grammar, punctuation, capitalization and even the right words. For example:

  • Wrong: "I am a reliable person who can do this job."

Right: "I am a reliable person who can do this job."

  • Wrong: "My knowledge of HTML5 technologies helps me write code faster than other developers."

Right: My knowledge of HTML5 technologies helps me write code faster than other developers., because using “HTML5” instead of just “HTML” will attract attention from hiring managers that care about technology terminology—and who doesn't want that?

Make yourself stand out from other candidates.

  • Use a catchy headline.
  • Include a summary section at the top of your resume.
  • Use a list format, or even better: use several different types of lists! For example, use bullet points instead of paragraphs and bold text for key points (this is especially helpful if you're applying for jobs that require writing). Or perhaps you'd prefer to include bulleted lists? Or maybe even tables? Whatever works best for you! As long as it makes sense within the context of this article's topic (which is helping people find digital marketing jobs), go ahead and experiment with whatever formats seem most appropriate for what type of job posting you're applying under.

Don't include personal information or photos of yourself.

When you're applying for a job, it's important to keep personal information out of your resume. You don't want to include any addresses, phone numbers or social media usernames that could be used against you in the future. If they ask for references or letters of inquiry at the bottom of your resume, make sure they are only from people who have worked with you before—for example, clients or previous coworkers.

Keep your resume to one page.

When it comes to digital marketing, you’ll want to make sure that your resume is as short and sweet as possible. The reason for this is that there are many different types of jobs within this field, so having a long resume can be overwhelming for employers.

If you want your resume to fit on one page (and who doesn't), keep these things in mind:

  • Make sure all information is relevant and concisely written. Don't include unnecessary details or extra words; focus on what matters most!
  • Use an easy-to-read font such as Arial or Calibri for both text and graphics—we recommend using a 13-point font size at least if possible because some people may have difficulty reading small fonts such as 10-point or 12-point sizes on their computer screen monitors/laptops or smartphones which may need larger fonts than usual due

Don't include a summary section at the top of your resume -- recruiters are not interested in reading it

If you're new to the digital marketing world, it can be tempting to include a summary section at the top of your resume. In fact, many recruiters will ask for one or two sentences in this section. But don't do it! You should only include this if you have specific skills and experience that could not be fully described elsewhere in your resume. If you have many years of experience as an SEO specialist who specializes in writing high-quality content for clients' websites using SEO best practices (and who has worked with these clients on multiple projects), then by all means use that language instead of "I've been working as an SEO specialist since 2013." You're not going to fit everything into one paragraph either; recruiters are looking for specific examples right down at the bottom so they know exactly what kind of person they need working for them!

Use a standard font throughout your resume -- nothing fancy or too small.

  • Use a standard font throughout your resume -- nothing fancy or too small.
  • Use a font size between 10 and 12.
  • Choose something that's easy to read (even if you're dyslexic or have poor eyesight). This can be done by using an approach called "font matching" where you find out what type of computer you're likely to use in the future and then look at examples of fonts that work well on those systems. For example: if most people are going to use Microsoft Word on their computers, they may want to use Arial as their main text face; however, because Apple uses Helvetica Neue as it's default system font for making headlines and body copy etc., this would not be ideal since Helvetica Neue is not available on all platforms--so instead try reading through some examples online before deciding which one will best suit your needs!

Avoid adding references or letters of inquiry at the bottom of your resume, unless they are requested by the hiring manager

The hiring manager may ask for references or letters of inquiry in addition to your resume. However, if you don't include them at the bottom of your resume, make sure that you explain why not. If a manager wants specific details about your work experience and doesn't find those on your resume, he or she may still call someone who can speak more directly with him or her about what skills you bring to the table.

You can find digital marketing jobs online if you put together an effective resume.

Before you start sending out resumes, it’s important to learn how to find digital marketing jobs online. Here are some tips on creating an effective resume:

  • Use the right keywords. Searching for “digital marketing” will yield results that include positions as well as skills and experience that you can use in your resume. If you don't see a specific position listed in the results, try searching for a "web designer."
  • Make sure your resume is clear and concise. Make sure it's easy for someone reading it—especially someone who has never seen one before—to understand exactly what you did and why they should consider hiring you over other candidates with similar profiles (and with less experience).
  • Keep things simple by using standard fonts throughout your document instead of fancy ones like Comic Sans or Impact font (which looks terrible). Also, keep personal information such as phone numbers out of headers; if possible, list work-related contact info first and then personal details later on in the document so people don't feel like there's too much noise around their eyes when scanning through pages quickly looking for relevant information about themselves/their company/etcetera...


I hope this article has helped you find your first digital marketing job. Remember, it's important to stay positive and keep working hard! If you have any questions or concerns about getting a digital marketing job, feel free to contact me directly at [email protected]

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