Content marketing is a crucial part of any digital marketing strategy. It helps you build brand awareness, generate leads, and retain customers. But creating a plan for your content is no easy feat—you have to think about what kind of content works best for your business, who you want to target with it, how often (and when!) you should post this content and more.
In this guide, we'll walk through all these steps so that by the end of the day (or week or month), your plans are complete!
Content goal
Before you start creating content, it's important to know your goal. The purpose of your content marketing should be clearly defined and understood by everyone involved in the process. For example:
- What is my value proposition?
- How will I make money with this content?
- Who am I trying to reach with this piece of content (i.e., who am I trying to influence)?
Target audiences
- Identify the target audience.
- Determine how you’re going to reach your target audience.
- Define what success looks like for each channel and content type (i.e., Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter).
Audit your content
The first step in creating content for your brand is to audit your current content. This can be done by going through all of the content that you have published over the last few months, and identifying what works, what doesn't work and why it doesn’t work. You can also use analytics tools such as Google Analytics to see which pages are getting higher engagement than others.
Once you've identified this information, it's time to start making some changes! If one piece of content doesn't seem like it will resonate with customers or prospects then consider removing it from your website altogether (or at least moving it into a less visible location).
Choose your channels
You can choose to focus on one specific channel or use a combination of multiple channels. For example, you could have a blog, video content and social media posts all in one place.
You should consider what kind of audience you're trying to attract when choosing your channels. For example, if you're focused on a younger audience then emailing them might be the way to go because they're more likely to engage with a piece that has images than one without them (i.e., text only).
Content types
You’re writing content. What kind of content? Well, it depends on the type of site you’re building and the audience you want to attract.
- Articles: Longer pieces that provide information in an organized manner. This could be a blog post or an article for a magazine or newspaper—whatever format works best for your medium.
- Videos: Short videos that explain complex ideas, show how-to videos (like cooking), explain complex concepts (like business strategy), illustrate trends through animated GIFs…the list goes on!
Content calendar
The most important part of the content planning process is to create a content calendar. You can use templates, or you can make one yourself by filling out the months and then adding your own information as needed.
For example:
- January: How To Get Your Content Out There (1-2 articles)
- February: How To Get Your Content Out There (1-2 articles)
- March: How To Get Your Content Out There (1-2 articles)
Create content
When it comes to creating content, you have a lot of options. You can create your own blog or podcast, or you can hire someone else to do it for you. You could also publish articles on other websites that are relevant to your audience; however, this might not be the best option if you want more traffic from search engines like Google and Bing (since those sites don't show ads).
In general terms:
- Make sure that the type of content being created is relevant to what your customers are looking for. If someone searches "how-to" in Google's search bar, they need something specific—not just anything! For example: “How do I start an online business?” versus “How do I make money online?”
Make sure your content is relevant to your audience and that you're using the best channels to reach them.
- Audit your content
- Choose your channels
- Create a content calendar and stick to it!
- Create content
Content planning is a long process, but it’s worth the effort if you want to create high-quality content that will be effective in helping your business grow. If you follow these steps and keep on top of things, you can create content that will help people understand what you do better and make them more likely to buy from you or recommend your brand to their friends.